Think Ahead!
Hey bob, can I get a chance to talk to you? Ok here goes...I know
you know it would be Christmas soon, yeah! Depends on the part of
the world you come from, you can't miss all the hustling and
bustling in the air, the sweet Christmas carol songs blared on radio
and television stations, the “mad” rush to shop-till-you-drop
syndrome, hahaha...its everywhere because its Christmas season.
Ok Bob, let reason together...how much have you spent so far for
shopping this Christmas? I mean on gift items, food stuffs, toys,
Christmas trees and lightens, etc...have you been able to buy
everything on your Christmas shopping list? If you have, good! Now
for the big one....... Have much have you put aside for the rainy
day when the New Year rolls in? ( Did I hear you
You know we just throw caution to the wind and spend and spend
and spend! I must tell you, it gives a whole thrill of joy when in the
mood, but after all the chicken and the rice and the meat and the
casserole and all the “eatables”, we begin to feel the pangs of how
much we've spent... But I like to tell you that if you want to avoid
being broke from January, start planning right from December!
Trust me, it helps! While others are begging and wishing, you will
begin to smile because you won't feel a pinch of the crunch!...sounds
“Mafiaric” right? Hahaha...
People fail to plan ahead during this holiday season, I don't blame
them though, because I was once in their shoes, but I have learnt
Bob, to THINK AHEAD! Don't ever forget to plan for your
tomorrow, because whether you like it or not, you will still walk into
it, and whatsoever you have planted into it, that you will meet when
you get there. Wise men say that “...he who fails to plan has planned
to fail”
I can lend you a tip or two that could help you Bob, want to get it?
Ok here goes...
Tip Number one: Set aside a little amount of your income
consistently till the end of the year. That can start you off for the
New Year.
Tip Number two: No matter how great the urge is to put your hands
into what you are saving, refuse to compromise! Remember the
Tip Number Three: Have a SPECIFIC plan of what to do with what
you have saved. That way, you know what you have achieved.
Follow these steps faithfully and I tell you, you will come thanking
me later!
I want to see you prosper in the New Year! Merry Christmas!
you know it would be Christmas soon, yeah! Depends on the part of
the world you come from, you can't miss all the hustling and
bustling in the air, the sweet Christmas carol songs blared on radio
and television stations, the “mad” rush to shop-till-you-drop
syndrome, hahaha...its everywhere because its Christmas season.
Ok Bob, let reason together...how much have you spent so far for
shopping this Christmas? I mean on gift items, food stuffs, toys,
Christmas trees and lightens, etc...have you been able to buy
everything on your Christmas shopping list? If you have, good! Now
for the big one....... Have much have you put aside for the rainy
day when the New Year rolls in? ( Did I hear you
You know we just throw caution to the wind and spend and spend
and spend! I must tell you, it gives a whole thrill of joy when in the
mood, but after all the chicken and the rice and the meat and the
casserole and all the “eatables”, we begin to feel the pangs of how
much we've spent... But I like to tell you that if you want to avoid
being broke from January, start planning right from December!
Trust me, it helps! While others are begging and wishing, you will
begin to smile because you won't feel a pinch of the crunch!...sounds
“Mafiaric” right? Hahaha...
People fail to plan ahead during this holiday season, I don't blame
them though, because I was once in their shoes, but I have learnt
Bob, to THINK AHEAD! Don't ever forget to plan for your
tomorrow, because whether you like it or not, you will still walk into
it, and whatsoever you have planted into it, that you will meet when
you get there. Wise men say that “...he who fails to plan has planned
to fail”
I can lend you a tip or two that could help you Bob, want to get it?
Ok here goes...
Tip Number one: Set aside a little amount of your income
consistently till the end of the year. That can start you off for the
New Year.
Tip Number two: No matter how great the urge is to put your hands
into what you are saving, refuse to compromise! Remember the
Tip Number Three: Have a SPECIFIC plan of what to do with what
you have saved. That way, you know what you have achieved.
Follow these steps faithfully and I tell you, you will come thanking
me later!
I want to see you prosper in the New Year! Merry Christmas!