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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Emma Blogs

Power For Great Works

It is said that power is the ability to do work. To do great works and achieve great things, you need power. Sometimes it could be physical, mental, financial, spiritual, and all that. Bottom line, you need POWER!

A pastor does miracles not by physical powers, but by the powers inherent in him, this is spiritually referred to as the power of the Holy Ghost.
A weight lifter lifts a 50kg mass weight like an egg, why? He possesses physical powers, which are muscular.
A short small man been guarded by ten security guards who call him “boss” has what? Financial powers!

So you getting my drift? To achieve great things you need power! So what ever you want to accomplish in life, ask yourself, what amount of power is need to achieve it? This will tell you how you should prepare for it….it is said that you don’t go into a strong man’s house except you have tied him up, then you can spoil his goods.

You want to achieve great works this year? Know the amount of power you need that will sustain you!
I would love to read your comments and success stories here….


Emma Blogs

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