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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Emma Blogs

Think Ahead!

Hey bob, can I get a chance to talk to you? Ok here goes...I know
you know it would be Christmas soon, yeah! Depends on the part of
the world you come from, you can't miss all the hustling and
bustling in the air, the sweet Christmas carol songs blared on radio
and television stations, the “mad” rush to shop-till-you-drop
syndrome, hahaha...its everywhere because its Christmas season.
Ok Bob, let reason together...how much have you spent so far for
shopping this Christmas? I mean on gift items, food stuffs, toys,
Christmas trees and lightens, etc...have you been able to buy
everything on your Christmas shopping list? If you have, good! Now
for the big one....... Have much have you put aside for the rainy
day when the New Year rolls in? ( Did I hear you

You know we just throw caution to the wind and spend and spend
and spend! I must tell you, it gives a whole thrill of joy when in the
mood, but after all the chicken and the rice and the meat and the
casserole and all the “eatables”, we begin to feel the pangs of how
much we've spent... But I like to tell you that if you want to avoid
being broke from January, start planning right from December!
Trust me, it helps! While others are begging and wishing, you will
begin to smile because you won't feel a pinch of the crunch!...sounds
“Mafiaric” right? Hahaha...

People fail to plan ahead during this holiday season, I don't blame
them though, because I was once in their shoes, but I have learnt
Bob, to THINK AHEAD! Don't ever forget to plan for your
tomorrow, because whether you like it or not, you will still walk into
it, and whatsoever you have planted into it, that you will meet when
you get there. Wise men say that “...he who fails to plan has planned
to fail”
I can lend you a tip or two that could help you Bob, want to get it?
Ok here goes...

Tip Number one: Set aside a little amount of your income
consistently till the end of the year. That can start you off for the
New Year.
Tip Number two: No matter how great the urge is to put your hands
into what you are saving, refuse to compromise! Remember the
Tip Number Three: Have a SPECIFIC plan of what to do with what
you have saved. That way, you know what you have achieved.
Follow these steps faithfully and I tell you, you will come thanking
me later!

I want to see you prosper in the New Year! Merry Christmas!
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Emma Blogs


“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. -
Oscar Wilde.”

That's a popular saying that makes sense, lots of it. Many of us
believe that we are disadvantaged in life right from the start, but on
the contrary, we're not. Every person in this world all begin from the
same starting line, we are all born into this same world. Our “birth”

is our starting line, and we are all given 24hours to work with. While
some of us use it wisely, others toy with it. Time is available to all,
what we do with it, is up to us, which is our responsibility that
defines what we become in life.
No doubt life deals us cruel blows sometimes, but what do you look
at when you are in the “gutter” of life? Are you overwhelmed by
what you see? Do you say “Humph.....this place stinks!”? Are you
looking at the problem or you are thinking of the solution? Are you
looking at what the problem has caused you or what you will
become when you solve it? It all depends on what you see dearie...How do you see things? Do you see the problems or do you
see the limitless opportunities? Believe me opportunities come as
problems in disguise. Only the bold and determined eat its victory
Check this out, when the problem of communication arose,
someone thought of something to make it easy to communicate, and
hence devised the telephone, which has undergone lots of
modifications now. Imagine the possibilities in the communication
world now, but it all started with someone taking the initiative to
make things work! What do you see? We are all in the gutter, yes!

You don't have money, true! You've lost your parents or guardians,
true! Still, what do you see? You just have one eye, true! Stevie
Wonder can be you mentor! I can sing but who will buy and promote
my works? Ask the Blind Boys Of Alabama! Wake up kid! You
don't have an excuse not to succeed in life! Just stop, yes STOP
looking at the problem and BEGIN looking at the solution. It may
not come instantly as you want it, but like rain drops, no matter how
little it is, it will surely wet the ground. What you SEE is what you
BECOME! “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at
the stars” and hence we become STARS indeed! Why not Join us?
What do you see?
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Emma Blogs


Hi friend, how are you doing? I got this thing about dreams...you
when you just sit down and begin to plan things in the air,things you
intend to do in future, and when you are through you just smile a
satisfactory smile. After sometime, say like one year, you start all
over again and begin to dream about THE SAME things you dream t
about sometime ago, and the circle continues just like that.
Let me tell you sincerely, you are WASTING TIME! You are just like a
person who sits in front of a mirror looking at his image and then
forgets about it as soon as he leaves there.
If you really want to achieve anything MEANINGFUL in life,
stop day-dreaming and begin to LIVE YOUR DREAMS! You don't
have to procrastinate anymore, because it would only steal your
invaluable time.
Here are just a few of the things that could help you make your
dreams a reality, viz:

1. Take a BOOK and a PEN and then begin to think deeply.

2. As you think deeply, ideas will come, WRITE them down
quickly, so you don't forget them.

3. When you have satisfactorily exhausted what you want to think
about, ITEMIZE them in order of priority. That is to say, put
them in order of importance.

4. Give yourself a TIME frame of achieving these dreams.

5. After the stipulated time given, give yourself an APPRAISAL
report. In other words, evaluate your success or achievements so far.

See what i mean, it wasn't all that difficult was it? Don't give place
to procrastination, it is the theft of time, YOUR time. Do you know
that the same idea that is flowing in your mind flows in other
people's mind as well? The sole right of ownership of the idea
belongs to the person that is able to BIRTH the idea FIRST! So
beware, that dream of yours might just be in someone else's head,
only TIME will tell who OWN'S the idea. So why not take that little
step and begin living you dreams?
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Emma Blogs

Never let go!

Have you noticed that when traveling on a long trip when you are almost getting to the your destination you become so uncomfortable and the journey becomes very tiring! Most of us have become so uncomfortable with our journey through life but you have to hang on you are almost arriving at your desired destination! Don't give up!
Never let go! keep holding on...remember that the darker the night the brighter the light shines, and the darkest hour is closest to the break of dawn...you can and will make it!
Have a blessed day.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Emma Blogs



Wow! What a day! I never knew this day would come, but we learn every day don't we? There's a popular saying that goes “When you stop learning, you start dying”. I learnt a lot today and i would like to share with you, we all experience this feeling one way or the other, if not now, someday.

Anger......hmmmmmmmm....that's a very strong word, but no matter how strong it is we have to overcome it, because it's a silent killer!
How do YOU manage your anger? We are all humans and we have times in our lives we just “let go” or “let it all out” but the effects of the things said and done remain for a longer period than the feeling itself. I witnessed such today, the young lad was really vexed and could not take it anymore, so had to give “them” a piece of his mind...but after he had calmed down, he began to recollect and ponder on the things he said and why he said them, and funny enough, it was so amusing that was caused all the imbroglio and hullabaloo was a mere walk over! They were just minute issues that a little more communication could have corrected. It all boiled down to miscommunication! A bit of vital information was missing and the whole message no longer made “sense”.

So how can you manage anger?............................................

let me give you some tips that can help you manage anger to a great extent. It is not 100% full proof but effective, since we a humans, not robots...

1.When you are angry and you want to angrily give “them” a “piece of your mind”, count 1 to 100!

2.Ask your self “Why” am i angry? Make sure you get a satisfactory answer for yourself.

3.Ask yourself again, “Is it really worth it?”

4.Ask yourself “Who is in charge here?”...it must be you!

5.Then tell yourself, “I've got better things to do”

Your mind may not accept this exercise initially, but doing it repeatedly over time whenever you are faced with such a situation, you get used to it...
Do you know it takes more energy from you to be angry than when you are happy? The body muscles becomes taut and hormones are released into the blood stream and this can lead to other adverse effects in the body....am no doctor but i know its true. Even added to the fact that the aftermath of anger leaves you drained mentally, it makes you feel miserable because you probably have hurt some of the persons you love! Do you want that to happen? Heck NO!

Hope I've been able to add some things to you so that when that time comes, you can deliver!
In my next letter to you, i would tell you about the wonders of been happy, if anger is infectious, how much more being happy? Till then, keep in touch and learn to manage your anger!...
I would like to hear from you your comments, views and also your challenges, so we could solve them together. I would love to read your mails, please send them to inspireme4life@yahoo.com and feel free to sign up for my monthly inspireme4life! Tips.

Impossibilities are only a figment of your imaginations, so THINK BIG!!!
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Emma Blogs

Get-In-Line and Achieve it!

Get-In-Line and Achieve it!

Hi there, how was your day? Mine was kool, infact more than kool, it was adventurous! I must tell you about it, wanna read? Ok here goes...
I was in need of cash, really in dire need of it,well not really “broke” per say as you would want to call it, because to be broke really means you've got nothing on you, both inside and outside! Well back to the story, no money so i couldn't do what i wanted to do, so grounded. I even went to use one of them so-called machines, popularly called “ATM” but it could not pay me, why? No money in the account! Hahahaha.....But rather than go begging for cash i had to think of something i could do that would not cost me money, but would bring in cash, no matter how little it was. Opportunity is visible in everything to anyone who is willing to take advantage of it, hhmmmm....how true! I got wind of a domestic work going on somewhere so i plunged in for a miniature job, and believe you me at the end of the day, i had some “change” in my pocket, i felt like a king! Who says cash doesn't give power?

Anyway what i want to draw out from that little personal experience is that if you want to achieve anything in life, get in line and achieve it! You want to get different results? You want to achieve your set down goals? Then be ready to do what you've not done before! Believe you me i have not done this kind of “job” before but it put some legal cash in my pocket i could call my own. I needed cash, I saw an opportunity that would fetch it, i keyed into it, and i made my money, somebody say cash money! Lol!

So what are we learning here? Never shy away from any opportunity that presents itself as a “problem”, whereas in actual fact, turn it around and see the rewards on the reverse side. it's massive! If you really want to be relevant to your goals, you have to work it out! It would not work itself out, goals are like the computer term, GIGO(Garbage In Garbage Out), it's what you input into it that it would give out as result(s) to you. So what would it be? Play now and pay later or pay now and play later? It's your call now...

I would like to hear from you your comments, views and also your challenges, so we could solve them together. I would love to read your mails, please send them to inspireme4life@yahoo.com and feel free to sign up for my monthly inspireme4life! Tips.

Impossibilities are only a figment of your imaginations, so THINK BIG!!!
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Emma Blogs

Get Up and Get Cracking!

Get Up and Get Cracking!

Hi there, how is your day going? I've been having this burden in my heart to inspire and trigger people to achieve their dreams in life because i have noticed a lot of persons wondering what to do in life, and where to start from, hence i had to put up this blog to set things in motion.

It's no longer news that the Wright brothers in their many efforts flew the first plane in the world, and also that Isaac Newton propounded the Laws of motion, and also Archimedes, the Law of flotation, and also about the ingenious works of the genius himself, Sir Albert Einstein, and also that Micheal Jordan is regarded the biggest thing that happened to the world of basketball, and also that the King of Pop music, Michael Jackson's “Thriller” is still the highest sold music yet to be surpassed by any living music artist alive! Also................. I can go on and on the list is endless! But the good thing about this list is that the list is endless! That means there's still room for you to put your name on that list! Capice?
Yes! I believe that any individual,excuse me, YOU can be what you wanna be! Those things that you do that you think are insignificant, useless or irrelevant might just be what the world is desperately in need of, and there you are, just lazying about dilly dallying and procrastinating, God me! WAKE UP! Get up and get cracking! You may never know what you would or will achieve till you try....

Now let's get to the big question that you might wanna ask me, “What do i have?”
Well let me tell you categorically that every human being is born naked but not born empty! Yes! Otherwise we would not have the technology we humans boast of now would we? You've got everything that you need to get things started. In case you still are in doubt, brain storm through this miniature questionnaire...

(1)What do i love doing most that would take most of my attention without getting me tired?

(2)What do i enjoy doing that i could do for free and still be happy doing it?

(3)I'm i obligated to do it?

(4)Do i do it willingly and happily without anyone telling me to do it?

(5)Even if i don't get “rich” in the process, would i still keep doing it?

(6)Do i derive joy and satisfaction from it?

(7)If i don't succeed the first time, would i keep trying?

Now if you went through that miniature questionnaire and you answered it truthfully, then you must have discovered that you've got a lot in you that is yet to be tapped! Get up it's morning time friend, smell the pheromones!

I want to know that you have been given the much needed “push” to begin the quest to achieve something in life. You must know that men are remembered not for the wealth they amassed during their life time, but for the marks they left behind by virtue of their achievements in life, when you see Albert Einstein, he'll tell you how true this is.
I would like to hear from you your comments, views and also your challenges, so we could solve them together. I would love to read your mails, please send them to inspireme4life@yahoo.com and feel free to sign up for my monthly inspireme4life! Tips.

Impossibilities are only a figment of your imaginations, so THINK BIG!!!
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